About Us

About Sasquatch Watch Radio

Hosted by Billy Willard, Sasquatch Watch Radio has consistently captivated listeners since 2008.  Billy’s deep passion for all things Sasquatch, matched with his extensive knowledge and enthusiastic approach, is guaranteed to make every episode a captivating and enlightening experience. 

Historically, when we first started in 2008, DB Donlon (The Blogsquatcher) was my co-host.  DB was a great friend of mine and was an investigator for the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO).  In late 2009, Mike Killen came on as my co-host.  Mike was also a great friend and was a researcher for the North East Sasquatch Researchers Association (NESRA).  Finally, in 2013 the Creature Seeker (Bruce) joined as my co-host.  Bruce and I did many events together.  Events like Creature Weekend, the Virginia Bigfoot Conference, Cabela’s and many others.

Now, the show is BACK as a YouTube podcast.  As you watch our LIVE or ARCHIVED videos, please click on the SUBSCRIBE button to keep up to date on our upcoming guests.  There is NO CHARGE for subscriptions!

Bigfoot – Sasquatch – What is this large and hairy human-like creature alleged by some to inhabit the forests of North America.

There are alleged photographs, video and audio recordings, hair samples and casts of large footprints.

Many books have been written on the subject.  Many believe that Bigfoot is nothing more than folklore, misidentifications and hoaxes rather than a real living creature.

Are people seeing upright walking bears?  Bears have been observed and recorded walking upright.  Adult black bears stand 5-7 feet tall and grizzly bears are roughly 8-9 feet tall when standing upright. 

Are these sightings nothing more than escaped chimpanzees, gorillas or orangutans that have escaped captivity?

Are they feral humans living in the wilderness?

Are most of the photos nothing more than Pareidolia?  The tendency to observe human-like faces and figures within the natural environment?

What about the alleged vocalizations?  Some are misidentified and produced by known animals such as owls, wolves, coyotes and fox.

There have been over 10,000 reported Bigfoot sightings in the United States alone.  What are people seeing?

What about the Patterson-Gimlin film from 1967?  Is it a man in a suit?  Is it a human or an ape? 

And now, what about DNA samples?  Papers have been written about collected DNA samples over the years.  Some claim the samples are evidence of a hybrid cross of modern Homo sapiens with an unknown primate species.  Others are not impressed with the papers, particularly Geneticists. 

And the many hoaxes over the years do not help.

Whatever the case, the subject of Bigfoot has attracted many over the years.

What do you think?  What are your opinions?  Have you had a sighting or encounter and want to share your story?  Are you an expert in the field and want to get the information out to the public.

Sasquatch Watch Radio is your video podcast platform to share your story and your information.  Sasquatch Watch Radio began back in 2008 and I am your host, Billy Willard.  Now, Sasquatch Watch Radio has returned and we want to hear from you…the eyewitnesses, the folks in the field.  Share your story with us.  ON SASQUATCH WATCH RADIO!  Head over to the “BE A GUEST” page and fill out the form.  Have a guest suggestion?  Head over to the “CONTACT US” page and let us know who you suggest.

What’s out there?  Will the mystery ever be solved?  Tune in to find out.